Everton vs Liverpool

Everton vs Liverpool

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The match of Everton vs Liverpool in Premier League Premier League is started in 2020-10-17 04:30AM in Pacific Time Zone A. The Asian handicap for this game is Everton +0.5, GOALLINE handicap 3.0, and corner kick 10.5. Prior to this, Everton and Liverpool have had a total of 1 big goal and 2 big corners in 14 historical clashes between the two teams. Among them, Everton scored 0 wins, 2 draws and 3 losses. He scored a total of 2 goals and was scored 7 times by Liverpool.


In the most recent 15 games, Everton scored 9 wins, 3 losses and 3 draws. In total 33 goals were scored, 20 goals conceded, 2.2 goals per game and 1.3 goals per game were averaged. Among them, the probability of GAOL OVER is 93%, the Asian handicap win rate is 60%, and the winning rate is 60%; the average corner kick is 4.5, and the probability of CORNER OVER is 36%.




Liverpool have scored 9 wins, 2 losses and 4 draws in their last 15 games. In total 44 goals were scored, 26 goals conceded, 2.9 goals per game and 1.7 goals per game were averaged. Among them, the probability of GAOL OVER is 83%, the Asian handicap win rate is 53%, and the winning rate is 60%; the average corner kick is 7.9, and the probability of CORNER OVER is 53%.

24H SPORTS not only provides you with Everton vs Liverpool historical record statistics, but also provides you with Everton vs Liverpool analysis and prediction, Everton and Liverpool lineups and other information, and predicts the result of Everton vs Liverpool before the game. , Resuming the game after the game to help.